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Modern Office Building


The Leadership Gap Indicator (LGI) is a team and organizational assessment designed to help organizations compare current leadership capabilities to organizational needs. This analysis helps to identify current leadership capabilities and draw attention to any gaps that may exist. Organizations can use this process to gain important information about priorities for leadership development.


The Leadership Gap Indicator (LGI) is a tool used to assess the views of employees in your organization about their leadership development needs. Respondents evaluate the relative importance of specific leadership capabilities for success and rate the level to which their peers display these capabilities. Gaps are exposed when these data reveal a deficit between the current and needed leadership capabilities.


The information in this report will address the following questions:

  • Which leadership capabilities are important for success in your organization?

  • What are the strengths and development opportunities?

  • How aligned are the strengths with what is considered important?

  • Where should your organization focus its leadership development efforts?

  • What factors may be barriers to success?


All capabilities in the LGI Library are part of the Center for Creative Leadership’s (CCL) typology of leader capabilities. These capabilities were identified through multiple research projects aimed at understanding effective leadership. They are characteristics of leaders, observable through behavior, and have a proven relationship to effective leadership performance.

The data in this report can be used to:

  • Identify leadership strengths and development needs in your organization

  • Understand the impact of these strengths and development needs on the organization

  • Evaluate the importance of leadership capabilities within the organization

  • Inform training and development plans


The survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. It includes questions about (1) leadership capabilities that are critical for effectiveness, (2) perceptions regarding the importance of those capabilities to organizational success, and (3) the prevalence of factors that may inhibit leadership capabilities.

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You may customize your Leadership Gap Indicator (LGI) by selecting up to 20 capabilities from the Leadership Capabilities Library.


Consider the following questions:

  • Which capabilities are clear matches to the needs of your organization and existing resources (e.g., competency models, mission statements, values frameworks)?

  • Are there capabilities that can be eliminated?

  • Have you covered key capabilities that you feel might point to leaders’ development needs?


Respondents are asked to indicate the extent to which peers at their level demonstrate each capability in their current roles. The percentages below reflect the responses as low, moderate, or high, based on a 7-point scale. Specifically, a rating of 6 or 7 is considered High Capability (Blue), 3, 4, or 5 is denoted as Moderate Capability (Gray), and ratings of 1 or 2 are considered Low Capability (Orange). Leadership capabilities are sorted in descending order based on the percentage.


Step 1: Articulate your organization’s strategy.


Consider the following questions to help articulate the connection between strategy and leadership development:

  • What are your organization’s core purpose, goals, and objectives?

  • What are your organization’s present strengths and weaknesses? How might each change in five or more years?

  • What are your organization’s future strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats?

  • What is your organization’s competitive advantage? What is your position in the marketplace?

Step 2: Identify the capabilities that map to your organization’s strategy as well as any other relevant internal resources (e.g., competency models, mission statements, values frameworks).


Consider the following questions when identifying the core capabilities required for your organization:

  • What capabilities are needed to fulfill your organization’s core purpose, goals, and objectives?

  • What capabilities must you have in place five years from now to be successful?

  • Which capabilities are critical for your organization to remain successful?

  • Which capabilities are critical for your organization to remain competitive?

Step 3: Review and select capabilities in the Leadership Capabilities Library.


Start by reviewing the Leadership Capabilities Library. Read the definitions closely and track your decisions. Consider the following questions:

  • Which capabilities are clear matches to your organization’s strategy and relevant internal resources?

  • Which capabilities can be eliminated?

  • Have you covered key capabilities in your model that might point to leaders’ developmental needs?

Step 4: Administer the survey to assess potential gaps between the current and desired states of leadership capability.


Assess your organization’s current levels of leadership capability and need for additional development. Consider the following questions:

  • Where are there leadership capability strengths?

  • Where are there leadership capability gaps?

  • Are the leadership gaps more pronounced in certain areas (e.g., leadership levels, lines of business, functions/departments, etc.)?


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